American Friends of LMP creates a network of culturally-engaged United States supporters who appreciate the LMP performers’ excellence and welcome a more personal relationship with our Orchestra as well as each other. To take advantage of the benefits of becoming an American Friend, please complete the one-off donation form at the bottom of the page.

$500 Founding American Friend
- Invitations to LMP performances in London with complimentary concert tickets and Friends drinks receptions
- Complimentary concert tickets for New York performances
- Notification of LMP’s annual Royal Event, an exclusive performance and gala dinner at a Royal Palace with our patron the Duke of Edinburgh
- Personalised booking service
- Crediting on LMP website

$1000 Founding American Friend
- Invitations to LMP performances in London with complimentary concert tickets and Friends drinks receptions
- Complimentary concert tickets for New York performances
- Preferential booking and discount for LMP’s annual Royal Event, an exclusive performance and gala dinner at a Royal Palace with our patron the Duke of Edinburgh
- Personalized booking service
- Crediting as American Friend on LMP website and online programmes
American Friends of London Mozart Players supports the Orchestra’s international touring program, educational projects, and a wide array of musical activities in both London and the United States.
Friends in the United States can make tax-effective gifts to London Mozart Players via the Chapel & York US Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organisation, which grants funds that benefit LMP. Gifts to LMP via the Chapel & York US Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Make a donation to the American Friends of London Mozart Players
Use this form to make a donation via the Chapel & York US Foundation.