World Premiere of Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio
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Saturday 17 May, 7:30 pm

World Premiere of Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio

Blue Pearl: A One World Oratorio
Text by Ken Wilber, Thich Nhat Hanh and Steve Banks.  Music by Steve Banks.

London Mozart Players
Excelsis and Vox Farnham Chamber Choirs
Rob Lewis musical director, Excelsis and Vox Farnham Chamber Choirs
Angela Hicks soprano
Luthien Brackett mezzo-soprano
David de Winter tenor
Geoff Williams bass

Blue Pearl is a wonderful, inspiring new sacred choral work for the 21st century, a time when humanity needs to act ‘in concert’ as never before. It expresses and celebrates the unity of the earth and of humanity – ‘Blue Pearl’ is the earth seen from space: a fragile, precious, living planet.

Blue Pearl includes an extraordinary musical journey through the whole of evolution. It expresses a ‘human’ spirituality, which integrates the mystical heart common to the great spiritual traditions with modern science and psychology.

“Blue Pearl evokes the full compass of human experience: from joy, humour and sexuality to the opening of our hearts in compassion, to the spiritual mystery we encounter in stillness and silence – a profound and moving celebration of our shared humanity.”  – Rob Lewis, Musical Director, Excelsis

“An extraordinary work. The music is, by turns, witty, moving, exciting, and transporting.” – Julian Marshall, composer. ARCM, FHEA

You can get an idea of Blue Pearl by listening to the demo recording at, where you can also read more about the piece and about composer Steve Banks.

We hope you can join us for what is going to be an unforgettable evening of beautiful and profound music.

In-person concert: £25, £15 low income, £10 under-16’s
Live stream with 7 days on demand viewing: £9, £5 under-16’s

St Giles' Cripplegate